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Sundari Tantra School
They are busy with their children, trying to study and understand how to be a good parent, why the child is upset and trying everyday to act in such a way not to create traumas to their children. After the child occupation, it is WORK! People are filling their minds with tasks for work in […]

They are busy with their children, trying to study and understand how to be a good parent, why the child is upset and trying everyday to act in such a way not to create traumas to their children. After the child occupation, it is WORK! People are filling their minds with tasks for work in such a way that when they go home their mind is still there. TOO BUSY TO FOCUS AND BE PRESENT IN LOVE.

What else people are doing? They have families, and of course sometimes argues. And when that happen, LOVE IS SEND ON VACATION.

If is not work, than is the car! If is not the car, than is the financial situation! And list can go on without having an end.

“ If it doesn’t work completely from the start of the relation, why should we bother? “ people are saying…

So most of them, human beings are waiting for one love that is so great that will work from the start when the sparkle is starting till the end of life.

Their lives are too complicated to dedicate time just for love, to be present when they are with their partner.

So what TANTRA teaches you? It teaches you that when you are with your partner, your mind and soul are there 100%.



This is great! To be aware of your lack of presence.

 But here comes the sad part. They don’t do much to change that. They try for a week than they forget.

That is the reason why most of fights are starting. And the answer is so simple. Be there! Hug your partner! Tell your partner how much you love him/her!

“ what if we live together? ” you may ask.

“ You have your time apart, when both of you have your own stuff to do and you have your time together when both of you should be present!  When you are together , be there!  “ I answer.

What this “ be present “ means?

I ask you:

 What will happen if your mind and heart will be with your partner?

Will you see your partner different?

Will you act different?

 Will you notice a change in hair color or other physical stuff?

Will you hug your partner?

Will you kiss your partner?

Will you be more emotional involved?

All you need to do is to look yourself in the mirror and answer these questions.

If you have any comments, don’t be shy.

And if you are interested in discover true presence and true love we are waiting for you to our Rituals Retreat, or our School.

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